Monday 1 August 2011

How Do I Stay Anonymous?

I knew it wouldn't take long for me to want to shout out 'Hey it's me ..... , from .....'. I'm not one for keeping things quiet - especially if I have worked at something and feel proud! I joined twitter as
@MummyMoments_  and have followed some from my other account. I have also signed up to hootsuite so that I can manage all my social media accounts from one page - but it's getting confusing already! I'm not sure who I'm tweeting back from and I'm having to be careful what I say. People will guess who I am if I'm having a conversation with them as Mummy Moments that's following on from one I've had as the other me.

So what do I do - what have other anonymous bloggers done? I've built up a few relationships with other bloggers on my other twitter account and I'd feel like I was deceiving them. Not what I want at all! Do I ask people to DM me if they want to know who it is or do I come out and tell people? At the moment my husband doesn't even know I've started a new blog!

Any suggestions will be greatly recieved!

Mummy Moments xx


  1. I have 2 twitter accounts, one for Mummy Loves & one for my business and I often get them mixed up and reply to people from the wrong one... so be careful LOL

    I don't see any harm in letting online friends know who you are aslong as you never post your real name on here or twitter anyone in real life will have a hard time of finding you! x

  2. Full support from me. I've often thought of doing it but I would crack after day one. I think, keep it anonymous, have fun with it.

    Good luck and really looking forward to seeing what comes next.

    Question 1 from me: Am I the only one that doesn't embrace pregnancy?


  3. I know! I suppose I could just let people know if they want to? I could ask them if they want to know a secret! ;)

    Just don't want parents etc to find it as they are on twitter too! x
